Career Advice

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woman leaning on a stack of books

9 Jobs for Book Lovers: Find Your Perfect Literary Career

If your heart beats for books, these jobs for book lovers are a match made in literary heaven. Explore nine rewarding career paths tailored for avid readers.

a woman bored in a meeting

4 Essential Tips for Getting Through a Boring Meeting – LEVO: Expert Strategies to Combat ‘Bored in a Meeting’ Syndrome

Stay engaged and awake in your next meeting with these four strategies. Don’t suffer from bored in meeting syndrome any longer!

An African American woman sitting in front of her laptop looks worried about something.

5 Ways to Beat the Job Search Blues, from People Who’ve Been There

Feeling like you’re going crazy? Here are five ways to beat the job search blues and stay positive. These tips come from people who’ve been there!

woman in business attire sitting at her desk

10 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your First Job (When There’s No End in Sight)

When the going gets tough, these tips will help you stay motivated during your first job. From setting goals to networking, find out what works for you!

woman getting interviewed by another woman

10 Questions to Ask Before You Take a New Job

If you’re considering a move, these 10 questions to ask new employer can help you determine if the role is right for you.

woman presenting in front of her colleagues

13 Ways to Make Your Unpaid Project Really Pay Off

Don’t let your unpaid project feel like a waste of time. Here are thirteen ways to make the most of it and turn it into a real paying opportunity!

two woman in a feedback session in the office

5 Insightful Questions to Ask for Feedback That Ignite Your Career

Feedback Made Simple: LEVO presents 5 essential asking for feedback questions to empower your professional self-improvement.

Woman employee is smiling while having a discussion on her colleagues

Sticky Situations At Work (and How To Deal With Them)

If you’ve ever been in a sticky situation at work, you know how frustrating it can be and how much time it wastes. Here are some tips on what to do!

a group of people with their hands up in the air

5 Barrier-Breaking Broadcasters Reveal What It Takes to Succeed

These inspiring women share their secrets to success in the broadcasting industry and offer advice for aspiring journalists.

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