Career Advice

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A woman leaning at the side of the bridge while holding an apple in a hand

Your Ultimate Guide to Health, Wellness, and Productivity

From tips for staying healthy to advice for boosting your productivity, this guide has everything you need to get ahead in life.

woman at her desk accepting a piece of paper

What to Do After Accepting a Job Offer: Essential Steps to Take

Discover essential tips on what to do when you get a job offer to ensure a smooth transition and successful acceptance. Handle the job like a pro!

A woman coaching her co-worker in front of the laptop

5 Invaluable Lessons From Working With a Career Coach

Learn how to effectively use a career coach as you work towards your ever-evolving professional goals. Here are five invaluable carreer coach benefits!

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Before Your Getaway: 6 Steps to Build Your Dream Woman – LEVO

Planning a vacation? Ensure a smooth trip by prioritizing self-care. Learn how to build your dream girl body before you go, leaving stress behind.

a woman holding her head looking distressed

The Telltale Signs of a Quarter life Crisis (and What to Do About It)

You're not alone if you feel like you're stuck in a rut. Here's how to identify the signs of a quarter life crisis and what you can do to get back on track.

female leaders posing with her team behind her

4 Practices for Emerging Leaders to Cultivate Now

Learn how emerging leaders can grow. Discover the key practices to thrive and start cultivating your leadership skills. Step confidently today!

A stack of cards on the table

How To Make Your Business Card Stand Out

A business card can say a lot about your company. Here are four ways to make sure yours stands out from the rest.

The woman is happy and inspired having a work and life balance

Beyond the Pencil Skirt: Meet Jocelyn Leavitt of Hopscotch

Levo’s Beyond the Pencil Skirt series interviews women who excel both in and out of the office, to help balance your life when work is your passion.

woman with red nail polish typing on her laptop

The Perfect Resume Starts With Avoiding These 7 Tired Cliches

Are you guilty of using any of these tired cliches on your resume? It’s time for a change! Here are seven tips to help you write a resume that stands out.

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