Career Advice

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Learning How to Articulate Better: Unveiling Your Awesome Communication Skills – LEVO

Struggling with self-promotion? Discover effective tips on how to articulate better and how to become articulate without sounding arrogant

Online portfolio displayed on a tablet while holding a woman

4 Reasons You Need an Online Portfolio

You may be asking yourself, do I really need an online portfolio? And the answer is YES! Here are four reasons why.

female business owner holding up an open sign in front of her store

Solid Advice on Starting a Small Business, From People Who’ve Been There

Starting a small business can be daunting. Learn from those who’ve successfully navigated this path with practical advice and strategies.

A signpost that leads to different ways to succeed in your career

Mapping Your Career Destiny: Essential Work New Year’s Resolutions for Success

New Year, New Career Narrative: Fuel your success with targeted work resolutions designed to reshape your professional journey in the upcoming year.

checkbox for excellent, very good, good, fair, poor

Top Strategies for Preparing for Your Year-End Review

Need help preparing for year-end review? These strategies will ensure you’re ready to tackle your year end review preparation with confidence.

A woman giving a card to another person while shaking hands

How To End a Conversation at a Networking Event

Worried about how to end a conversation professionaly at your next networking event? This guide will give you the tools you need to bow out gracefully.

A woman sitting behind the desk with her co-workers

5 Lessons on Becoming a Corporate Athlete

As a corporate athlete, you’ll grow your own leadership muscles by confidently navigating change and achieving success. Try out these tips to get started!

woman writing on sticky notes stuck on a window

Notes From Kate White: 5 Ways to Know What Matters Most

In this blog post, business author and CEO Kate White outlines five tips for knowing what matters most in your career.

a woman having a conversation with her boss

8 Good Questions To Ask Your Boss

Are you ready to be a driving force in the success of your company? Utilize these questions to ask supervisor as an effective tool to stay on target.

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