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a happy woman with her arms raised while looking upwards

How Do You Know When You’ve ‘Made It’? Signs You Are Successful in Your Career – LEVO

Discover the signs you are successful and learn how do you know you are successful in a job. Find out if you're on the right track to achieving your goals.

woman being interviewed by a person looking at her resume

Optimizing Your Resume: Pros and Cons of Adding Your Blog

Should your blog be on your resume? Unveil the crucial strategies and considerations to optimize the impact of your personal blog in your job hunt.

Two Women shaking each other hands in a room

What to Do When You’re Competing With a Friend for a Job

Friendly competition is one of the best ways to motivate yourself and your peers. These are some tips if you’re competing with a friend for that perfect job.

a woman with a team behind her

What Is the Next Step for Startup Vets?

Have you been a part of the startup world? Are you wondering what your next career move should be? Check out this article to discover new paths!

Woman looking at the window and thinking for her dream job

The Tweet That Changed My Whole Career

This tweet jumpstarted my whole career. Here’s why you should get involved in social media and how it can also change your life!

A woman sitting on the floor in a room

SEO Skills That Will Make Employers Love You

Here are some important SEO skills employers are looking for. The list will help market yourself in your job search and get ahead with your employer.

A woman in a lab coat holding a set of samples and looking at it.

It’s Hard Out There for Women in Science

Despite strides made in the past few decades, it’s still hard out there for women working in science. Here’s why, and what we can do to make things better.

woman browsing social media on her phone and laptop

A Look at Social Media Job Searching: Beyond Privacy Settings

Social media for job search can put their privacy at risk. Here’s how to ensure your career won’t get sabotaged by using Facebook or Twitter.

Woman Working on Laptop while at home

Assessing Your Email Address’s Influence on Securing Email Response Jobs

Ready to excel in email response jobs? Don’t miss out on opportunities due to an unprofessional email address.

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