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Live in the Moment: Put Down Your Phone and Reclaim the Moment

We spend so much time looking at our phones, but are we really missing out on anything? Here's why you should live in the moment.

A man and woman standing in a grayish background

White Shirts for Women: Meet Elizabeth & Clarke, the Anti-Fashion Fashion Company

The Anti-Fashion Fashion Company for White Shirts Elizabeth & Clarke is unique because we don’t follow the practices of the traditional fashion industry. We abhor...

woman skateboarding with other people cheering behind her

On the Job: Seven Rules for Doing “Casual Dress” in the Office

Casual dress codes are popular in offices, but still, there are rules of thumb to consider. Follow these seven tips to make sure you’re dressing for success!

A person touching a black board connecting to drawings of social media applications

Everyone Will Know: How– and Why– To Play the Klout Game

Leveraging your social media strategy using Klout, how it works with other digital marketing tactics like SEO. It’s a digital world so let’s play in it!

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