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Three officemates consisting of 2 Females and 1 male posing wacky faces.

How To Make Friends at Work

Making friends at work is really important, but it’s not always easy. Follow these tips to make new friends and get the most out of your time in the office.

An image that shows an alpha female that is presumably in a leadership role

Tips for Time Management from Smart Businesswomen

Ready to reach peak efficiency? Let the successful female business owners guide you with their productive tips and help you maximize your work hours.

Woman using her laptop to work from home

Achieve Success Working from Home: Expert Insights on How to Be Productive at Home”

Struggling to stay productive when you work from home? Check out these ten tips for working from home productivity hacks that will help you get the job done!

Amy Poehler speaking at an event on a podium

7 Pieces of Advice From Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler is a comedic actress, producer, and businesswoman. She shared 7 pieces of advice to help you conquer the world.

woman holding her hands out

12 Comebacks for Dealing with Rude People

Never let a rude person get the best of you again. Not sure how to respond? Here are some comebacks for dealing with people who won't stop being rude.

coffee and macaroons on a table

15 Habits of Incredibly Happy People: Secrets to a Joyful Life

Explore the 15 habits of happy people for a more joyful life. Discover actionable tips and strategies to invite happiness into your daily routine.

Professional women are having their work meetings inside their office

14 Sheryl Sandberg Quotes on Women, Work, and Careers

Career advice is about finding the right role models. Here are 14 powerful quotes from Sheryl Sandberg on women, work, and careers.

psychology word in bold format written in brown paper

The Psychological Reason You Can’t Spot Your Own Typos

We all make typos from time to time, but why is it so hard to see them in our own writing? Learn about the psychological factors that play into this event.

A group of women smiling and hugging each other.

Diversify Your Circle: The 8 Vital Types of Girlfriends You Need

Curate a more interesting life! Here’s a guide to the 8 types of girlfriends you should have around to add depth and diversity to your experiences.

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