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A woman leaning at the side of the bridge while holding an apple in a hand

Your Ultimate Guide to Health, Wellness, and Productivity

From tips for staying healthy to advice for boosting your productivity, this guide has everything you need to get ahead in life.

group of women standing in front of yellow garland in an office room

Best Dress for Your Body Type: Professional Styling Guide and Outfit Inspiration – LEVO

Elevate your professional style with our guide on how to dress for your body type. Discover the best dress for your body type and transform your look.

woman at her desk accepting a piece of paper

What to Do After Accepting a Job Offer: Essential Steps to Take

Discover essential tips on what to do when you get a job offer to ensure a smooth transition and successful acceptance. Handle the job like a pro!

a female soldier among male soldiers

The Story of a Bold Female Soldier

Discover Miyoko Hikiji's Iraq service as a female soldier. Uncover the realities of women in the military and the strength of modern-day warrior women.

A woman dressed in an athletic outfit is running up a long stair under the heat of the sun.

7 Habits of Exceptionally Resilient People

How do some people remain positive and motivated in the face of adversity? Check out these habits of resilient people to learn how they do it.

A woman resting her head on her arms in front of her desk

4 Productivity Hacks That Will Help You Focus at Work

Unlock potential to revamp your workspace with these simple yet effective tips on how to be productive. With these four strategies, you will stay energized!

A woman coaching her co-worker in front of the laptop

5 Invaluable Lessons From Working With a Career Coach

Learn how to effectively use a career coach as you work towards your ever-evolving professional goals. Here are five invaluable carreer coach benefits!

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10 Life Lessons from Mindy Kaling

From embracing your weirdness to knowing your worth, Mindy has great life advice to share. Check out these 10 lessons for living boldly and happily.

a woman with her dog in the office

The Benefits of Bringing Your Pooch To Work

Did you know that there are benefits to taking your dog to work other than just improving productivity? Find out what they are!

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