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manicured nails with black nail polish and nail art with a bouquet of flowers beside of her hand

The Power of a Manicure

A well-manicured woman is confident, successful, and always puts her best foot forward. Here’s how to get the most out of your manicure.

A woman holding a hat on her head

Know This Girl: Coco Rocha Is Not Your Typical Model in the Slightest

You've probably seen her on a billboard or at least glanced at it. But do you know who she is and what makes her so different? Find out here.

a group of friends studying while using a laptop

Deciphering Importance: Why Are Soft Skills Vital?

Enhance your career prospects by focusing on soft skills. Unveil the importance of these proficiencies and access practical insights on how to elevate them!

A person interviewing a female candidate

5 Ways To Talk About Your Accomplishments Without Bragging

Whether you’re at a job interview or networking event, here are five ways on how to talk professionally that won’t make you sound like a braggart.

A man and a woman doing some morning stretch.

LEVO’s Insights into Effective Morning Exercise for Women

Elevate your career with a morning exercise routine. Find out why morning workouts for women are essential for professional success.

a group of designers in a meeting

Beyond the Pencil (Skirt): Meet Daphne, Designer & Consultant

This week we’re featuring an interview with Daphne Javitch, a New York City based designer and consultant who specializes in pencil skirts.

two woman sitting across each other talking

What Works Better: Positive Reinforcement or Negative Reinforcement?

A recent study looked at the effectiveness of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Here’s what they found.

an entry level day is an interview for a job position

5 Real-Talk Interview Tips for the Entry-Level Lady

Landing your first job is hard, but landing your dream job is even harder. Check out these tips to make sure your interview stands out from the rest.

a woman giving advice to an intern

8 Internship Tips for Making the Most of Your Experience

Make the most of your internship with these eight invaluable tips for interns. Stand out and excel with expert-approved internship tips from LEVO.

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