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an open closet in a pink bedroom

8 Fashion Items You Must Have in Your Work Wardrobe

Do you want to appear stylish and professional at work? You need these eight fashion items in your wardrobe.

Woman looking at the window and thinking for her dream job

The Tweet That Changed My Whole Career

This tweet jumpstarted my whole career. Here’s why you should get involved in social media and how it can also change your life!

A woman sitting on the floor in a room

SEO Skills That Will Make Employers Love You

Here are some important SEO skills employers are looking for. The list will help market yourself in your job search and get ahead with your employer.

4 people standing and holding each other

What Can Baby Boomers Teach Us About Being Powerful Women?

Today’s generation of women is different than the one that came before it. Learn from our foremothers about being powerful in today’s world.

office workers conversing to each other while having drinks

The Golden Rules of Happy Hour: A Do’s and Don’ts Guide

If you’re looking to make the most out of happy hour, follow these golden rules! From what to order to when to go, we’ve got you covered.

woman working on her laptop during relocation

Considering Relocating for a Job? Here’s My Journey and Its Difficulties

Thinking of relocating for a job opportunity? Here are 5 insights from my own experience that might help you navigate this big decision.

A woman in a lab coat holding a set of samples and looking at it.

It’s Hard Out There for Women in Science

Despite strides made in the past few decades, it’s still hard out there for women working in science. Here’s why, and what we can do to make things better.

woman browsing social media on her phone and laptop

A Look at Social Media Job Searching: Beyond Privacy Settings

Social media for job search can put their privacy at risk. Here’s how to ensure your career won’t get sabotaged by using Facebook or Twitter.

Two women talking to each other in a room

How To Plan Your Wedding When You Work Full Time

Juggling a full-time job and wedding planning can seem daunting, but it’s definitely doable. Here’s how to make it happen.

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