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woman in front of a computer creating a resume

6 Not-So-Obvious Resume Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to your resume, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you’re not making these common mistakes!

On a wooden desk, a resume sits atop with a keyboard and a cup of coffee beside it

How To Add Accomplishments to Your Resume

Boost your resume! Learn how to add accomplishments with valuable resume writing ideas. Stand out by effectively highlighting achievements.

A back view of a woman walking on a road facing the mountains

How Can You Follow Your Passion if You Don’t Know What It Is?

We all want to find our passion in life, but how can you do that if you don't even know what it is?Here's how to know your passions and follow your dreams.

person using computer, email on screen

How To Make Your Inbox a Work of Art

Email can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn how to organize and beautify your inbox so you can finally achieve Inbox Zero.

A healthcare student talking to her professor

How To Be a Mentee a Mentor Would Die For

A mentee is someone who learns from her mentor. Today, we’re going to tell you how to be the best kind of mentee—the one that mentors would die for!

A woman sitting on a bench while looking at her tablet

Top Things to Do in Your 20s to Be Successful in Life And Work

Unlock the secrets to a triumphant 20s – understand what should you be doing, the best decisions to make, and the vital things to do for lasting success.

A piggy bank beside a jar of paper bills and coins

LEVO’s Guide: 10 Actions to Counter the Effects of Student Loan Debt on Your Life

Navigate the effects of student loan debt on your life choices with LEVO’s expert advice. Learn ten strategic moves to break free and pursue your goals.

A man holding a box full of stuff

Mistakes To Avoid on Your First Day of Work

Setting the wrong tone on your first day can have long-term consequences. Make sure you avoid these five mistakes!

woman sitting on her couch in hands behind her neck while watching tv

10 Life Lessons from Gilmore Girls (Which You Can Now Watch All The Time!)

Did you know that all 7 seasons of “Gilmore Girls” are now streaming on Netflix? If not, then here’s a look at ten life lessons we can learn from the show.

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