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A woman sitting at a table in her room

How To Get Over Nice Girl Syndrome

Are you a nice girl who’s struggling to get ahead in your career? Here are some tips for finding your dream job and standing out from the pack.

A woman standing on top of a shallow salt lake that cast a perfect reflection of her raising her hands facing the sun sets.

LevoLoves: 12 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through Today

Start your day with a dose of inspiration! Explore these inspirational quotes and let their words empower you to conquer any challenges you face.

Tory Burch, an American Fashion Icon strikes a pose

Tory Burch’s Advice And Lessons For Entrepreneurs

Learn the business lessons Tory Burch has learned throughout her career as an entrepreneur. Use these tips to help your business grow.

a white dog inside a box

6 Ways to Find a Charity that You are Passionate About

Want to find a charity that you can really get behind? Here is how you can look for one and choose the right organization.

student loan bill with past due stamp

Effectively Managing Student Loans: 3 Improved Methods

Explore three effective strategies to enhance your student loan management. Take charge and work towards relieving this financial burden.

2 people having a meeting while holding a tablet

5 Apps That Are Going To Keep You in the Know

As a busy professional, it’s hard to keep up with all of the news. These 5 apps will help you stay on top of things while still getting your work done.

woman sitting at her desk writing down ideas on her notebook

Stay Inspired at the Workplace: A Guide to Work Inspiration

Feeling uninspired at work? Discover effective strategies for regaining your work inspiration and staying motivated in the workplace all day long.

A woman in her summer outfit on a light blue background

7 Fashion Trends You Can Not Wear in the Office This Summer

Don’t be a fashion misfit this season. Here are some of our favorite trends to wear as well as ones you should avoid at work.

Mug of coffee on top of a tissue paper

Elevate Your Friday: 10 Afternoon Routines & Success Secrets

Ready for change? Discover exciting ideas for Friday afternoons, afternoon routines, and what successful people do on weekends in this insightful article

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